Last update: May 12, 2014
Kayak and SUP Fishing is becoming a huge sport and we are proud to bring a 3 day fishing event that is sure to be a favorite. ANY Kayak or SUP Board will be eligible. We do NOT allow Canoes, pontoon boats, float cats, float tubes, drift boats, an any other craft that is not considered a kayak or SUP will not be eligible.. Any fishing rod is eligible (spinning or fly). The event will be held over the 3 day weekend, except for certain blackout times due to other events taking place in the river. You can fish all weekend (during posted times) or just a few hours. The largest fish caught will earn a first place prize of $1,000 and we will play all the way through 5th place earning $100. Everyone is eligible to participate and PFD’s are mandatory.
1st |
$ 1,000
2nd |
$ 750
3rd |
$ 500
4th |
$ 250
5th |
$ 100
Total |
$ 2,600
- All participants in the Fishing Event will be eligible to win a NEW Jackson Kayak Big Rigcourtesy of Alpenglow Mountainsport and the Payette River Games
Equipment and Rules:
- Athletes are expected to bring their own equipment, including your SUP board or Kayak. Alpenglow Mountainsport who is kindly captaining the event will have a small supply of boats for you to use if you come without one. The amount of time you will be allowed to use a loaner boat will depend on the demand for them
- The PRG’s will provide a uniform measuring device and a unique scoring marker at the Captain’s meeting
- All fish must be caught, photographed and released alive in a conventional sporting manner
- The first photo on your camera must be you on your SUP Board or Kayak with both the measuring device and marker
- Fish must be photographed on the boat, on the measuring device, clearly showing the length of the fish
- Download the complete PDF rules HERE
- The event will be held from West Roseberry Road Bridge (Tamarack), to include Cascade Lake, downstream to the Carbarton Road put-in
Schedule and Information:
- Friday, June 20 9 am: mandatory Captains meeting
- Friday June 20 from morning 10 am to evening Safe Light
- Saturday June 21 from Safe Light to evening Safe Light
- Sunday June 22 from morning Safe Light to 12 noon
- Limited to the First 50 to register
- Registration $45
Registration and Registration Information: HERE
Raffle Prizes! Win a FREE IPAD 4!
ALL athletes who compete on Friday, Saturday or Sunday will receive a ticket for a raffle that will be held on Sunday during the FINALS. We will raffle off several items to the lucky winner whose ticket number we draw out of a hat. You must be present to win.
- 1 iPad 4
- 1 Glide Custom River Surf Board. (stop by Glide Booth to check it out.)
- 1 Hala Gear Peno
Also, athletes who compete on Saturday will be entitled to receive a Funday Sunday free beer from Payette River Brewery. Redeemable after noon on Sunday.
We encourage all of you to stay all weekend as we will have other fun things to give away to make sure you have a great time. Thanks for participating in the PRG’s.